الأحد، 29 سبتمبر 2013

Fitness boy - Great Body

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Fitness boy the Boy Scouts of America has considered morbidly obese Scouts refused to attend the National Jamboree, which opened on Monday in a new location in the mountains of West Virginia, writes the Associated Press fitness body boy.

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Only troop members and leaders with fitness boy a body mass index of a measure based on the size and weight of body fat under 40 were allowed to participate. People with an index between 32 and 40 were required to provide additional health information to qualify.

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10-day Jamboree Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve this year, fitness boy is described as the most physically demanding in the history of the annual event, with a program that includes biking, climbing, rafting and hiking 3 miles down a mountain.

"Part of the design for the construction of this site is to meet the need of physical fitness in youth, which is obviously a long Scouts component," said Dan McCarthy, director of the Summit Group Scouts. "we saw it as an opportunity to integrate new challenges" in the said event fitness boy.

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